
The Synagogue is extremely fortunate to have a large number of committees responsible for every aspect of the day to day life of the community. The committees are almost entirely formed by volunteers and, as in every community, we are always looking for people to join them and from there to show an interest in standing for the Board, and beyond.

All enquiries are welcome. Please email the Synagogue Office and address your enquiry to Annette Nathan.

The Synagogue is bound by our constitution to have the following committees:

  • Communication and Editorial
  • Constitution
  • Education and Youth
  • Facilities Management
  • Finance and Audit
  • Investment
  • Israel
  • Liturgical

In addition, our thriving Synagogue has many other committees:

  • BelsizeLIVE
  • Burial and Cremation
  • Chanukah Market
  • Israel Dinner
  • Kesher (Connections)
  • Music
  • Parents’ Association
  • Security