A report from our Board of Deputies representatives Deborah Cohen, Peter Strauss and Dilys Tausz
At the November Plenary Meeting, the Deputies received the Board’s plan for the 2024-27 triennium. The Board’s five key priorities for the next three years will be:
- To fight antisemitism
- To stand up for peace and security in Israel and the Middle East
- To defend our religious freedoms
- To make our community more united, inclusive and outward-looking
- To celebrate our faith, heritage and culture as British Jews
To achieve these aims, the Board’s plan is to enhance its reach, relevance and impact throughout the country. After 264 years, the Board of Deputies has many strengths, some of them untapped. With around 300 Deputies representing 200 synagogues and Jewish institutions, the Board aims to use its ‘network of networks’ far better and to unleash its potential.
As your Deputies, we hope that our reports in Our Congregation go some way to explaining what the Board does. If you feel that you can help us deliver the Board’s plan through your contacts or personal knowledge, please let us know so that we can build upon your expertise. What is good for the Board of Deputies is also good for us all, especially when the Jewish community is under such pressure as a result of world events.
The full plan can be seen on the Board’s website.
Finally, congratulations to Dilys Tausz, who has been appointed Chair of the Board’s Constitutional Committee. This entails attending Executive meetings, not only to advise on constitutional issues but also to highlight matters of legal significance. Dilys becomes the second BSS Deputy to take up a significant role, joining Deborah Cohen whose election to the Board’s Communities and Education Division was announced in our last issue.