Annual Weekend Away

Everyone agreed that the BSS Annual Youth weekend in March 2024 was our best weekend away EVER! 27 Chanuchim/Participants joined Caroline and Ruby along with Annabel and our young BSS madrichim (Jack, Jessica and Sonny) and had the best time at Phasels Wood, enjoying a special Shabbat as well as doing some amazing activities and having a fantastic time seeing old friends and making new ones too. Rabbi Botnick and Cantor Heller joined the group for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdallah too and children and adults alike enjoyed a weekend of fun including archery, caving, a camp fire, aeroball, a wide game, a quacking duck hunt and much, much more. Children returned, shattered, to their parents/carers on Sunday afternoon and an early night was called for to help recover from the amazing weekend that they had had. We are already looking at booking next year’s weekend away – Watch this space for more details!

Here is a look at some photos taken at this year’s weekend away – ENJOY 🙂