Monthly Archives: December 2021

A Taste of Torah: Shema, part 3

We’ve learned a lot about the Shema – arguably the most important prayer in Judaism, in part 1 and part 2. We now conclude by answering some remaining questions, like what’s up with all the mumbling and kissing, and why do we say the Shema differently at certain times. So take a few minutes to watch this Taste of Torah video, and learn the answer to these questions and more, as we complete our exploration of the Shema.

A Taste of Torah: Shema, part 2

In part 1, we learnt a bit about the Shema – mostly what it is and when we say it. But we still have a lot of questions to address, like what’s up with covering our eyes, all the mumbling and kissing, and whether we’re supposed to sit or stand. So take a few minutes to watch this video as we continue our journey through the Shema.

A Taste of Torah: Shema, part 1

Let’s talk about the Shema. For such a simple prayer, there’s a ton to know. Like, why do we even say it? And why do we sometimes say it quietly and other times out loud? Are we supposed to cover our eyes or not? And should we be sitting or standing? And what’s up with all the kissing? There’s so much to learn! So here’s what we’re going to do: Instead of answering all these questions in one really long video, we’ll be exploring the Shema in three parts.